Shankar directed Snehitudu , Telugu dubbed version of his Tamil film Nanban , starring Vijay and Ileana, will have its music launch on January 19th at Shilpakala Vedhika in Hyderabad. Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan is agreed to participate in the audio launch ceremony, sources informed us.
As Aamir Khan starred in the original movie, 3 Idiots , director Shankar and producers Gemini Film Circuit requested him to join the celebrations and he reportedly said yes immediately. Snehitudu is remake of 3 Idiots.
Along with the film's cast and crew including Vijay, Ileana, Jiva, Srikanth, director Shankar, music director Harris Jayaraj, bigwig Tollywood celebrities are also expected to attend the function.
This is the first time that Shankar is releasing his film in Telugu after the release of the Tamil version. Leaving aside his first film Gentleman, all his movies had simultaneous release in Tamil and Telugu as he is a big brand in Andhra Pradesh market.
Nanban , the Tamil version, was released on Jan 12, 2012.
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