Mahesh Babu’s upcoming film, The Businessman is going to release in a big way in Tamil Nadu later this month. Gnanavel Raja, a leading producer who owns Studio Green banner, has bought the distribution rights of the film for entire Tamil Nadu. In the past, most of Mahesh Babu’s film have done exceptionally well in Chennai and now with a recent hit like Dookudu, some of the leading producers in Tamil Nadu are keeping a close eye on how well Businessman does at box-office. There’s also a rumour that Gnanavel Raja might have bought the Tamil remake rights of the film, but there’s no official confirmation about this. The film is already being dubbed in Tamil; however, if it’s remade in Tamil, Gnanavel Raja is likely to rope in one of his two cousins – Suriya or Karthi to reprise Mahesh Babu’s role in the film. Directed by Puri Jagannadh, the film has Mahesh Babu and Kajal in lead roles. The Telugu version is going to hit the screens on January 13 and the Tamil and Malayalam versions are expected to hit the screens at the end of the month.
Businessman @ Big release in Tamil Nadu!!
Mahesh Babu’s upcoming film, The Businessman is going to release in a big way in Tamil Nadu later this month. Gnanavel Raja, a leading producer who owns Studio Green banner, has bought the distribution rights of the film for entire Tamil Nadu. In the past, most of Mahesh Babu’s film have done exceptionally well in Chennai and now with a recent hit like Dookudu, some of the leading producers in Tamil Nadu are keeping a close eye on how well Businessman does at box-office. There’s also a rumour that Gnanavel Raja might have bought the Tamil remake rights of the film, but there’s no official confirmation about this. The film is already being dubbed in Tamil; however, if it’s remade in Tamil, Gnanavel Raja is likely to rope in one of his two cousins – Suriya or Karthi to reprise Mahesh Babu’s role in the film. Directed by Puri Jagannadh, the film has Mahesh Babu and Kajal in lead roles. The Telugu version is going to hit the screens on January 13 and the Tamil and Malayalam versions are expected to hit the screens at the end of the month.
tollywood news
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