The temperatures are raising high over the film ‘Businessman’ and the hype is getting out of control. With a successful audio album and the craze of Mahesh Babu, the business expectations have touched the sky. Now, the estimate is that the film would be touching Rs 150 Crores business. Even If the Movie delivers average talk, 'Businessman'will easily Crosses All Time Industry hit 'Dookudu' and Sets a new bench mark, So fans be prepare for Celebrations.
Businessman @ Touches 150 Cr Business!!!
The temperatures are raising high over the film ‘Businessman’ and the hype is getting out of control. With a successful audio album and the craze of Mahesh Babu, the business expectations have touched the sky. Now, the estimate is that the film would be touching Rs 150 Crores business. Even If the Movie delivers average talk, 'Businessman'will easily Crosses All Time Industry hit 'Dookudu' and Sets a new bench mark, So fans be prepare for Celebrations.
tollywood news
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