Bollywood hot actress Deepika Padukone would be once again sporting a bikini. However, this time it would be for a film ‘Cocktail’. Bollywood sources say that Deepika Padukone would be seen in a scorching red number in this movie; apart from her several calendar photo shoots and Housefull movie. Cocktail movie would showcase Deepika Padukone coming from the water sporting a red hot bikini and no wonder director Homi Adajania is all upbeat about this Deepika’s bikini act. Hhmm…and so should Deepika be isn’t it!
Deepika Padukone in Bikini
Bollywood hot actress Deepika Padukone would be once again sporting a bikini. However, this time it would be for a film ‘Cocktail’. Bollywood sources say that Deepika Padukone would be seen in a scorching red number in this movie; apart from her several calendar photo shoots and Housefull movie. Cocktail movie would showcase Deepika Padukone coming from the water sporting a red hot bikini and no wonder director Homi Adajania is all upbeat about this Deepika’s bikini act. Hhmm…and so should Deepika be isn’t it!
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