Prince and Superstar Mahesh Babu has already created a new record in terms of release of his upcoming movie Businessman. The movie is releasing in 92 theatres, apart from screening 33 shows in Prasads Multiplex on the release day in Hyderabad – a new record. Previously Jr. NTR’s Oosaravelli was screened in about 70 odd theaters in Hyderabad while Pawan Kalyan's Teen maar was screened in 30 shows in a day in Prasad i max but now Mahesh Babu’s Businessman has erased both these records.
Undoubtedly, credit goes to R R Movie Distributors for this massive release of Businessman. Particularly, with the movie releasing during the festive time, the makers do not want to leave any stone unturned. What’s more, Businessman film is coming right after blockbuster Dookudu and R R Movie Makers want to cash in on the Mahesh Babu’s craze. The situation is pretty much the same in Vijaywada. Out of 34 shows in Inoxes vijayawada, Businessman screening is taking place in 33 shows - except for Inox - Patamata(LEPL) - (Journey Movie 7.15pm ).
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