Tollywood ace writers Kona Venkat and Gopi Mohan are back again and this time working NTR and Seenu Vaitla movie ‘Action’. The last time this writer duo worked for is Mahesh Babu’s starrer ‘Dookudu’. Kona Venkat said, “Myself and my friend Gopi mohan are giving the story for Sreenu Vaitla- NTR film which will be called ACTION- with entertainment. We have decided to repeat the success of Dookudu with Sreenu Vaitla-NTR film being produced by my close friend Ganesh Babu.”
Kona Venkat penned dialogues for several Telugu movies like Samba, Venky, Shivamani 9848022338, Balu ABCDEFG, Andarivadu, Bhagheeradha, Don Seenu, Adhurs, King, Dookudu, etc. On the other hand, Gopi Mohan, one of the successful screenplay and story writers in Telugu movies, worked for Santosham, Venky, Dhee, Ready, Namo Venkatesa, Dubai Seenu, Lakshyam and Swagatam, King, Dookudu, etc. Now that’s experience for you!
After blockbuster Dookudu, Seenu Vaitla has not wasted any time and has quickly announced that his next project will be with Jr. NTR. And Seenu has once again roped in his two most experienced writers and bask on their script prowess. Kona Venkat and Gopi Mohan duo is the most formidable combo and this is one of biggest strengths of Seenu Vaitla, where he can start the film aggressively with script being monitored by these ace writers. So let’s hope the trio – Kona, Gopi and Seenu Vaitla repeat the Dookudu magic with NTR ‘Action’ and deliver another Dookudu.
After blockbuster Dookudu, Seenu Vaitla has not wasted any time and has quickly announced that his next project will be with Jr. NTR. And Seenu has once again roped in his two most experienced writers and bask on their script prowess. Kona Venkat and Gopi Mohan duo is the most formidable combo and this is one of biggest strengths of Seenu Vaitla, where he can start the film aggressively with script being monitored by these ace writers. So let’s hope the trio – Kona, Gopi and Seenu Vaitla repeat the Dookudu magic with NTR ‘Action’ and deliver another Dookudu.
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