Power star Pawan Kalyan is preparing to arrive with his new film 'Gabbar Singh' and this is a litmus test for him given the recent string of flops he has scored. While extra attention is being taken to ensure that the film shapes up well, recently the first look of the film was unveiled through few stills.
Pawan was seen in a cop's uniform and holding different types of guns. One group which saw the pictures said "The feel of the stills convey that there is more humour and entertainment in the film than the seriousness. And Pawan's dressingis typical to his style and body language."
Another group revealed "Comparisons between Pawan and Salman are bound to occur due to the 'Dabangg' factor. Of course, Pawan has his own style but unless the film has something special and different, the chances of scoring a hit would be difficult. This is going to be a bigchallenge not just for Pawan but also for director Harish Shankar.
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