Inspite of carrying lot of positive buzz in Tamilnadu, movie could not do any magic in the state.Main reason for this disinterest in Telugu audience is 3 Idiots is a very big hit in AP and most of them have seen it, and it is not the case with Tamil people. Vijay is not a crowd pulling star here and the audio is not up to the mark.Telugu people always expect a strong social message or out of box movies from Shankar but not these xerox remakes.
Now Ileana has become the main crowd puller for the movie.Tamil media showered praises on her acting. As always Tamil media boasted that she outplayed Kareena in 3 idiots. With her skinny and pale looks, how best she can convince Telugu audience will be interesting topic of debate.Watch this space on the interesting updates on Snehitudu. Wait for the official review of Snehitudu.
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